Tag: Politics
A Tale of Two Political Engagement Toolkits
Back in 2015, I worked with the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA) to produce a Political Engagement Toolkit for Community Radio Broadcasters. It consisted of a 24-page report and six factsheets designed to support CBAA’s member organisations – over 300 community broadcasters across the country – to plan and implement their interactions with politicians…
Community Campaigning can Trump Populism [article]
Originally Published by ABC Religion and Ethics, 26 May 2022. “This was not your typical election outcome. The Australian Labor Party (ALP) is forming government with the lowest primary vote in history. The moderate men of the Liberal Party were wiped out in urban areas by moderate liberal women. Populists Clive Palmer and Pauline Hanson…
Two songs and two books with Gough Whitlam
Like a lot of things with politics, I came to know about Gough late. I was of a generation who inherited his government’s landmark reforms – reforms I’ll forever be thankful for and hold as a model of progressive government – get in there and move things forward, don’t just tinker with the engine to…
On my way to the Middle East
Yesterday I found out i’ve been accepted to go on a study tour of the Middle East in January and February next year. I’m pretty excited. The study tour is run by APHEDA – Union Aid Abroad. From talking to a few people who have been previously it’s going to be a real positive experience.…
Should I feel something?
I really should start off by saying that I’m an educated and employed white male from a developed economy. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin
Career U-turn
This week I started a new job which sees me working full-time for the first time in a few years. Not working a fulltime job, instead two part-time ones. The first is two days a week working as an adviser to NSW Greens MP Lee Rhiannon, which I started doing about three months ago after…
The longer you leave something…
Just this morning I saw the under-siege Peter Garrett on the front pages of the abc and smh websites, and had mixed feelings I thought would be worth exploring. The nutshell version is that at first I felt sorry for him, but after thinking about it I don’t. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin