Tag: nanowrimo
Nanowrimo/November Wrap Up
I’m sure some might have feared my November posting slackness was due to my recent happiness and luck in love. I know Conrad (half-jokingly) at least was concerned that I may be like many other writers who, when the source of their angst (i.e. unhappiness) has disappeared, find they have lost inspiration. And I must…
NaNoWriMo Update
I started my novel off on Saturday morning and am writing at about par so far. I’ve got a few work free days coming up too, so I’m expecting to steam ahead over the coming week. I got a quote in this morning’s SMH as well. Thanks to everyone who has pledged so far. If…
You may or may not have heard of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). It’s a thing set up whereby people attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in November. It works out to approximately 1666.67 words per day. Quite a lot. It began in 1999, with 21 participants and six winners (a winner being someone…