Category: Uncategorized

  • March 2014 – What it looks like

    Hello! The year so far for me has been an eclectic mix of sights, sounds, words and wonderful people – it’s hard to believe we’re already 25 per cent into 2014! March has been dominated by capturing how things look and feel rather than creating portraits in the imagination with words. Love0 Share Tweet Share…

  • Total Eclipse of the Heart Flowchart

    Thought I’d share this flowchart of the lyrics to Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin

  • Sex Degrees of Separation

  • The Brain that Changes Itself

    I’ve been out at the Sydney Writers’ Festival for the past couple of days. Among the long queues, the various shades of black, and the obligatory person in each session who ‘asks a question’ by making a long personal statement, I’ve been to some very interesting and inspiring sessions. One of the best so far was…

  • This week: ending March 15

    Three stories from this week: In order to protect jobs, the Australian Federal Government has announced changes to their skilled migration policy. Foreign tradespeople such as carpenters and electricians will no longer have an easy ride to work and residency in Australia. Last year they removed cooks and hairdressers from the same list. I’m not…

  • This week: ending March 8

    Four stories I was interested in this week. There’s not a lot of light relief – sorry. The picture was taken on the fourth day of this year’s Sydney Test match against South Africa. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin

  • International Women’s Day

    When I was at Macquarie University, it wasn’t uncommon for guys to remark ‘There’s a women’s room, where’s the men’s room?’ (The clever answer was ‘the bar’) and you might ask a similar question about International Women’s Day, which is this coming Sunday. Coming from a family with extremely strong women, who haven’t always had…

  • This week: ending March 1

    Five stories that have captured my interest in the last seven days. The photo was taken in the Lama Temple, Beijing, which has ceremonial/teaching seats for both the Dalai and Panchem Lamas in it. I think it’s been a while since they were filled. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin

  • What’s in a name?

    I‘ve never really liked using or receiving nicknames. In my time I’ve had plenty of variations on my name: Marko, Maco Polo, Marky, Marcus, Marcus Aurelius, Markus Farkus. Markus is probably the best of the bunch, the lesser of many evils. Marky is the absolute worst. Only my closest friends can use that without receiving…