Category: Middle East Study Tour
Crossing from Jordan into the West Bank
On January 26 2012 our study tour of the Middle East crossed from Jordan into the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Following is my account of that journey. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin
Another email from Gaza
Another heart-breaking email from a paramedic friend in Gaza during the recent attacks, originally written on 7 March. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin
An email from Gaza
On my recent trip to the Occupied Palestinian Territories we spent a couple of days in Gaza. It was one of the most confronting places we visited. I’ll be writing about it more in a few weeks, but recently events mean I’m breaking the timeline of the trip. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin
The People of Bourj el Barajneh
On one square kilometre of land in southern Beirut, around 22,000 Palestinians live on one square kilometer of land. A very high proportion of the people are children. The Bourj el Barajneh refugee camp has been here since 1948. Beirut grew up and around the camp; generations of Palestinians have grown up inside it. Love0…
The Streets of Bourj el Barajneh
The streets of Bourj el Barajneh are narrow and dark, an absolute labyrinth. I’m lost within five minutes of being there. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin
Two months to lift off
I’m doing something quite unusual ahead of my study tour to the Middle East (I step on the plane exactly two months from yesterday) which is to try and do some detailed reading about where I’m going before I get there. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin
On my way to the Middle East
Yesterday I found out i’ve been accepted to go on a study tour of the Middle East in January and February next year. I’m pretty excited. The study tour is run by APHEDA – Union Aid Abroad. From talking to a few people who have been previously it’s going to be a real positive experience.…