Another email from Gaza

Another heart-breaking email from a paramedic friend in Gaza during the recent attacks, originally written on 7 March.


I am writing these words and i am really not sure whether i will be alive to write another message or not! the situation in Gaza is really horrible! The bombings have not stopped for a single hour! Death smell is everywhere and the color of blood is in every corner!

They are using new weapons! It is as if they were testing new lethal weapons… i have seen many dead people after they were targeted by the Zionists, but the new scenes are really horrible!!! I can not describe it!!

Every time i go in a mission to rescue wounded people or to bring the limbs of dead Palestinians, i become very sure that i wont go back! I feel as if death became my shadow! We have been called “the Living Martyrs”!

Electricity makes it even more difficult on people and on us! It really frightens people to death when you are being bombed in darkness! We suffer from very long power outages, each is 12 hour long, then we get electricity for less than 6 hours!

They have targeted everything! Today five school children were targeted; one died and the others were wounded!

In the same moment a mother was telling her son to take care, he was targeted by a drone before his mother’s eyes! He was cut into two pieces! His mother hugged him tightly and the last thing he said to her before he died “please, forgive me, mum”

Last night they targeted by F16 American-made war jets a 5 story building. The building became a heap of rubble! It was a miracle that saved the 35 inhabitants who were all wounded, but none was killed! The majority of the wounded were children!

They are calling us because a group of Palestinians were targeted









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