Sydney Buildings

On Sunday I attended Open Sydney 08, where a bunch of historic and interesting buildings across Sydney are opened to the public. The first building we visited was the AMP Tower at Circular Quay and its from the 26th floor of this building that I took these two panoramas. You can see them a bit bigger if you click on them.

In the Chief Secretary’s Building on Macquarie Street, we got to visit the inside the study of Professor Marie Bashir, the NSW Governor. It was pretty fascinating. So was the inside of NSW Parliament House, the library/meeting room of which is pictured here:

We also stumbled on a great exhibtion at the State Library of NSW, called Wisdom, which should be going for a bit longer and you should really check out if you’re in town.

I can also highly recommend going on a guided tour of the Sydney Opera House, inside which these last two pictures were taken.







2 responses to “Sydney Buildings”

  1. Hello Xu Xu Avatar
    Hello Xu Xu

    that’s cool sansicarus, I like when cities open up, city dwellers normally see so little of the place they live.

  2. Mark Avatar

    I know! This is the first time I’ve been on something like this – I’ll definitely be doing it more in the future!

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